Where Change Makers are Cultivated to Stand out, Be Heard, and Influence REAL change in their industry

Business Training for Entrepreneurs

From Invisible to Influential Trusted Authority - THE choice!

Career Training for Executives

Get Noticed, Hired, and Paid What You're Worth!

Coaches and Consultants;

According to Edelman and Linkedin ‘2019 B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study’:

87% of decision makers said that building Thought Leadership builds trust;

89% of decision makers said that building Thought Leadership enhances your reputation;

58% of decision makers said they wouldchoose a business because of their Thought Leadership;

61% of decision makers said they were willing to pay premium prices to work with a brand that articulated a clear vision through their Thought Leadership.

While this study was conducted in 2019, we believe the findings are just as important in today’s market with many more aspiring coaches/consultants entering the market on a daily basis.

And, that's exactly what Industry Thought Leader Academy focuses on. Helping coaches and consultants go from Invisible to Influential Trusted Authority in their industry with a unique, uncopyable brand, message, and thought leadership insights through our business training, coaching, and mentoring.

You ready to become known as an Influential Trusted Authority in your industry - THE choice vs just A choice for your dream client?

Let's get started!

Build Visibility

Get in front of your ideal client with a unique and uncopyable brand and message, while build your reputation as an influential Trusted Authority - THE choice vs just A choice!

Generate Leads

Create an Irresistible Signature Giveaway (your Signature System Success Quiz) that captures the attention of your ideal client and compels them to take the next to become a lead you can continue nurturing along the Customer Journey!

Enrol Clients with Ease

Ensure each touch point and piece of content you share within your Customer Relationship-Building Funnel builds 'know, like and trust' and continues to position you as THE coach they want to work with!

Create T.H.A.T. Program/Course

Create a Signature Program that will practically enroll clients for you, while maintain a fully engaged client from start to finish because you've created a transformational Program/Course that WORKS!

Start a Podcast

Build your own PR/publicity platform with your own podcast, where you'll be able to generate and nurture listeners into leads from your very first client, while have a podcast your dream client can't wait to binge-listen to!

Our Mission & Vision

Industry Thought Leader Academy’s vision is making a difference in the lives of one billion people, achieved through our mission, which is to change the world ONE message – ONE podcast at a time through supporting 10,000 Coaches and Consultants.

Each client we support contributes to this vision as they continue to change the world through their own compelling message and content, the work they do with their clients, along with the impact that has on the community at large.


I’m spending 90% creating value and serving clients. I’m getting more bulk projects – not one or two short-term projects but six-month programs along with higher level clients, projects, and opportunities. So, no longer am I feeling depleted and exhausted trying to get clients.

The Core Business Foundations Program should be part of Entrepreneur Tool Kits or MBA colleges because it is a complete training.“
- Kashmira Mody - Transformation Coach, Learning Essence

This last 12 months has been a pivotal turning point in putting strategy behind my business, understanding and working with my own strengths and weaknesses and understanding the importance of having a vision and both short and long term goals.

- Carolyn Moes, Spending Planner, Co-Host: Succeed with Money Podcast

I owned two businesses but was struggling to make an income and was feeling unappreciated and undervalued for the expertise I was offering.
My business is booming – I have tripled my income, have attracted paid speaking opportunities across the country, and have been nominated and shortlisted for 4 major awards. I WILL NEVER undervalue myself again.
- Caroline McCullough

Don’t Remain Your Industry's Best Kept Secret!

Begin Your Journey to Becoming an Influential Trusted Authority - THE choice, today!

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